Contact details for Disclosure under Regulation 30(5) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Mrs. Divya Agarwal
511, Maker Chambers – V,
221, Nariman Point,
Mumbai – 400021
Tel : 022 22832468/22042945
Fax : 022 22047288
Email : [email protected]
Registrar & Share Transfer Agents (RTA)
C 101, 247 Park, LBS Road,
Vikhroli (West),
Mumbai - 400083.
Tel: +91 22 49186000 - 79
Fax: +91 022 - 4918 6060
Email: [email protected]
Shareholders can register their request/ query by accessing the link for the RTA : Officer (IEPF)
Mrs. Divya Agarwal
511, Maker Chambers – V,
221, Nariman Point,
Mumbai – 400021
Tel : 022 22832468/22042945
Fax : 022 22047288
Email : [email protected]
Redressal through common Online Dispute Resolution Portal
An investor/client shall first take up his/her/their grievance/complaint directly with the listed Company.
If the grievance is not redressed satisfactorily, the investor/client may, in accordance with the SCORES guidelines, escalate the same through the SCORES Portal in accordance with the process laid out therein.
After exhausting all available options for resolution of grievance/complaint, if the investor/client is still not satisfied with the outcome, he/she/they can initiate dispute resolution through the ODR Portal at
Shareholders Communication : Click hereThe SEBI circular / corrigendum can be accessed on the website of SEBI at :